Facebook Advertising

Not only is Facebook one of the biggest websites in the world, but it can also be used to generate some seriously targeted traffic to your website.

The reason Facebook ads are so powerful is that you can target your campaign to the exact demographics you want. For example, let’s say you had a website all about how to keep a pet when you live in an apartment.

Think about the kind of people who would live in an apartment and who are interested in owning a pet. They would probably:

  • Not have children
  • Live in larger cities with high rise apartment blocks
  • Have a higher chance of being single or living alone, and could want a pet for companionship
  • Be younger (on average)

With traditional PPC networks, such as Google Adwords, it would be almost impossible to target the above demographics easily. However, Facebook ads will allow you to tailor who your advertisements are shown to, which can boost your conversion rate and reduce ‘wasted’ traffic.

You can choose filters such as:

  • Age
  • Sex
  • Interests (based on a user’s ‘likes’, ‘interests’ and check-ins, present in their Facebook profile)
  • Level of education
  • Location

This allows for seriously targeted ads.

Remember, Facebook is a social site. People do not generally go on Facebook for information, or to purchase. They go to connect with friends and family and for entertainment. This means you will have to create ads that are eye-catching and compelling.

Images in Facebook ads are the most important thing to get right. So be prepared to test a lot of different images before you get the right one.

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